Topsoil for Sale - Augusta GA

Bill Harley Company


Augusta’s Premiere Landscape Company Since 1975

We deliver topsoil, sand, fill dirt, sand-clay, mortar sand, play sand, lawn sand, gravel, crushed stone, decorative aggregates, asphalt, cypress mulch, pine bark, garden and planting soil and more 6 days a week!

Topsoil for Sale in Different Load Sizes

Full Load
Half Load
Pick-Up Truck Load
Custom Trailer Loads
We deliver or you pick up.
We fill pot holes.

Always get the right size load for your job when you buy your topsoil from Bill Harley!

Call me today for your on-site inspection where I will help you determine the right topsoil blend and exactly the precise quantity that your job is going to require. My service visit provides you with complete peace of mind knowing that you are purchasing the correct quantity (not too much; not too little.) Wouldn’t you like to know before your job begins how much money to budget for materials? As an added level of my personal service inspection, I will also check your driveway to make sure it can accommodate the weight of the truck and material without sustaining damage, measure any access gates, check for low limbs, power wires, etc. and advise you as to the best location on your property to dump the load to help you save money on shoveling labor and/or wheel barrowing labor. My service visit more than pays for itself! I can help you plan your entire project so you are guaranteed the right product and the right amount is going to be delivered on time to the best spot on your property so your job will run smoothly from start to finish. 

Bill Harley's exclusive 4-step process guarantees quality topsoil.

Our topsoil is virgin woods forest soil that is put through Bill Harley’s exclusive 4-step process. Prior to delivery our soil is cleaned of all roots and vegetation, blended for the right spreading consistency, turned and sifted to maintain the proper moisture and finally screened to remove any undesirable matter larger than 1 inch in size. Since most landscape jobs require several different soil blends, we offer a variety of custom mixes. Flower bed and planting soil for shrubbery and trees would normally be a thicker and richer soil than would be used to grow most types of Southern turf grass, which prefer a little sandier blend for root drainage. 

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You can count on Bill's expertise!

Centipede, Zoysia and Bermuda sod prefer a slightly sandy soil blend that is our most popular custom mix. Another one of our largest sellers is our special blend foundation soil mix, which helps shed water away from your building to help protect your structure from detrimental erosion. We can also deliver lawn sand, tan or light brown mortar sand, white play sand, coarse concrete sand, fine stucco sand, paver bedding sand and golf course sand. Ask about our full range of aggregate products including crushed stone, drain line gravel, crush & run, decorative stone, pea gravel, sand-clay base, and back fill material. 

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Bill Harley Company also offers complete landscape service. 

Clearing, Grading, Hauling, Leveling, Planting, Sprinkler Systems, Sod, Trees & Stumps
Equipment Rental of Bobcats and Kubota Tractors with all the attachments for the Do-It-Yourselfers or hire me to spread your material on site. 

We really are Augusta's Premiere Specialty Contractor Since 1975!

"One Call Gets It All!"